Business Resources

As an entrepreneur and coach, I receive a lot of emails from people seeking advice on how to grow their businesses. I've put together a collection of helpful guides that cover what I've learned over the years.

How To Scale Your Startup

AĀ step-by-step guide with tactical tips for scaling a startup.

Covering readiness assessment, strategy development, team building, process improvement, customer acquisition, and progress monitoring.

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How To Build A Strong Culture In A Startup

A step-by-step guide with tactical tips for building a strong culture in a startup.

Covering defining values, leading by example, hiring for culture fit, encouraging collaboration and communication, investing in employee development, and fostering a positive work-life balance.

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My Business Tech Stack

As an entrepreneur, I often get asked about my tech stack.

My advice is to use what you're comfortable with.

Here's my personal stack for my Website, Digital Products, Marketing, Analytics, Reviews & Testimonials.

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About Me

I'm a seasoned senior executive with over two decades of experience in the fast-paced world of global startups and scale-ups.

I've helped many businesses to grow into market leaders.

3x startups to IPO.

Get In Touch

Book a Free Coaching Session to discuss your business frustrations and goals, and get a taste of myĀ practical, results-oriented coaching solutions.

Get in touch to book your session.

[email protected]

What We Do

Business Coaching Manchester

Fractional CTO Manchester

Technology Consultant Manchester